April Adventures
This month, the children and I focused on the delights of spring, specifically on the life cycle of plants and rainy weather. We engaged...
April Adventures
A New Face, Block Play, and Riding the Train...
Combining Play Materials, Caterpillars, and the Slip-n-Slide...
Block Play, Shooting Stars, Mailbox, and a Colorful Ending...
Legos, Lemonade, and a Park Visit...
Block Play, Worms, and Water Play...
Block Play, Music, and a Start to the Super-Secret Mother's Day Project...
Earth Day Celebration #1
Legos, Grocery Store, and Planting Flowers...
Block Play, Collage, and Dress Up...
Trains, Seed Planting, and Block Play...
More Valentine's Preparation, the GBBC, and pretend play...
Legos Galore and a Walk on the Wild Side...
Freezer Fun, Storm Monsters, and Rabbit Tracks...
The Flexibility of Block Play and Sugar on Snow...
Hunkered down on Friday...