As the gorgeous misty sunrise I saw this morning can attest, autumn is here, and along with it is a new face at Blue Sky Daycare!

This gorgeous face joined us yesterday, and the children and I are just thrilled to have an infant in our midst. The older children asked all kinds of questions about the baby, and we spent most of yesterday discussing how to keep the baby safe while the big kids still had lots of fun.

During our calendar and weather routine, we changed our calendar's season from summer to fall. It's a momentous occasion, and we talked about lots of the changes we'd soon encounter- leaves changing color, birds migrating, beginning to wear long sleeved shirts, jackets, and sweaters, and shorter days. It's a time for us to be brave and face the chill.
Our next endeavor was to do lots of building with blocks. We used two different sets of blocks- unit blocks were at one table and free-form blocks and some other building materials were at the other.

All the children love to create with blocks, and it's while it's a fun way to appeal to the children's creative side, building with blocks also builds of spatial recognition, hand-eye coordination, logical thinking. For example, a 12-15 month old child learns which unit blocks fit together and which ones don't while an older child learns which order works best for stacking the freeform blocks, logically stacking them from largest to smallest.

Later, the big kids had lots of fun making their own "train" using chairs. The train visited all sorts of interesting locations from the zoo to the grocery store. The children adore taking a "seed" idea from me ("what if the train went to the ocean?") and adding their own embellishments to create their very own story.

In the midst of all the train's stops, the children decided they should all be engineers who can steer the train. On this kind of train? Why not!?

Later in the day we revisited the idea of courage as we read The Paper Bag Princess. We talked about how brave the princess Elizabeth is to confront the dangerous dragon, and how many times being brave means thinking clearly despite being scared. We like how princess Elizabeth's clear thinking helps her trick the dragon!
See you tomorrow!