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Melanie Patric
May 15, 20174 min read
April Showers...
April began with plenty of showers, so hopefully our flowers will be extra beautiful in May. Rainy days can still be fun, though. Some...
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Melanie Patric
Mar 3, 20174 min read
Lots to Love in February
We had so much fun in February that the month zoomed right by! We finished up a hibernation theme that we had started in January with a...
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Melanie Patric
Aug 5, 20165 min read
By the "Seaside" in July
July is often a month families enjoy beach visits, so this month we chose to learn about beaches, underwater creatures and the ocean. ...
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Melanie Patric
Apr 29, 20164 min read
April Adventures
This month, the children and I focused on the delights of spring, specifically on the life cycle of plants and rainy weather. We engaged...
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Melanie Patric
Mar 30, 20163 min read
Springing Into March!
March arrived in grand style with lovely warm breezes and a promise of spring. We made it outside as much as possible, especially...
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Melanie Patric
Feb 26, 20164 min read
February, The Month of Holidays
February may be a short month, but it does not lack for holidays, and we celebrated! Groundhog Day: We started our day reviewing what we...
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Melanie Patric
Oct 9, 20153 min read
Goodbye to Bees, Leaves, and Birds...
The children and I are really beginning to notice signs of fall all around us. The bees are slow and less numerous, the brightly colored...
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Melanie Patric
Oct 1, 20152 min read
A Day of Fall Watercolor and Pretend Play...
Our circle time has shifted from apples to the sights and sounds of Halloween and of animals getting ready for the winter. One of our...
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Melanie Patric
Aug 6, 20152 min read
Restaurant, Sunflowers, and A Walk Around the Block...
August has been a perfect month for sunflowers- our two mammoth sunflowers outdoors are just beginning to bud (at about 7-8 feet tall!),...
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Melanie Patric
Aug 5, 20152 min read
Monarch Progress, Lots of Pretend, and a Birthday Celebration!
What a great day it was to celebrate a birthday! We began our day with calendar, weather, and our sunflower and bubble circle time...
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Melanie Patric
Jul 21, 20152 min read
A Birthday Celebration!
We had a very special celebration today- a birthday! It's so much fun to make a special day filled with favorite activities for the...
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Melanie Patric
Jun 24, 20152 min read
Berries, Bubbles, and Watercolors...
Today was a day to be thankful for the sunshine here; there were tornadoes that swept through the southern part of our state, and we took...
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Melanie Patric
May 29, 20152 min read
Dying Silks, Al Fresco Dining, and Mud Kitchen
The children and I have been enjoying our morning routine quite a bit this month. We've been focusing on nursery rhymes, and at this...
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Melanie Patric
May 5, 20152 min read
Cinco de Mayo Parts I and II
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo was tons of fun, and I'm pretty sure the kids liked the activities I planned. We ended up spreading the...
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Melanie Patric
Apr 25, 20152 min read
Music, Trains, and Coloring...
At last! Today I was able to capture a few moments of our music time without too much of a fanfare! It's always a challenge to video the...
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Melanie Patric
Apr 23, 20152 min read
Earth Day Celebration #1
The weather didn't turn out the way we had hoped, so today's Earth Day celebration was somewhat more subdued than planned, but as usual,...
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Melanie Patric
Apr 21, 20152 min read
A Watery Day for Watercolor Painting...
More April showers today meant a day dedicated to working with watercolor painting. We began our day the usual way with calendar,...
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Apr 20, 20153 min read
Storytelling, Coffee Filter Art, and Backyard Fun...
Today was ripe with opportunities for storytelling. After our morning routine, the gray weather caused us to hunker down. At first, we...
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Melanie Patric
Apr 10, 20152 min read
Making Gardens, Life Cycles and Pretend Sleepovers...
April showers officially arrived as rolls of thunder and flashes of lightning proclaimed to us this morning. The children all seemed a...
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Melanie Patric
Apr 8, 20152 min read
Block Play, Collage, and Dress Up...
Today was a great day to do our favorite creative activities inside. The grey clouds and misty weather kept us in, but we had fun...
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