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  • Melanie Patric

A Quiet Day...

Today was a quiet day with about half the normal crew, but we still had a fun and interesting day.

We took some extra time during our calendar and weather routine to have the littles point to "Tim's" articles of clothing when I named them. We reviewed what we had done for MLK day and talked a little bit about the message of love and acceptance Martin Luther King Jr. shared with the nation. During circle time, we worked hard on our movement rhymes. Today we focused on January's countdown-style fingerplay called "Five Little Snowflakes."

Five little snowflakes falling by my door,

One hit the window, now there are four.

Four little snowflakes, the prettiest that I've seen,

I caught one on my tongue, now there are three.

Three little snowflakes, just a lovely few,

One blew away, and now there are two.

Two little snowflakes melting in the sun,

One evaporated, and now there's only one.

One little snowflake, a sparkly little hero.

It went to join a snowdrift, and now there are...


Once circle time was over, we had lots of fun playing with a variety of farm animal figures. One of the children was very interested in organizing the animals into "families."

Animal "families" grouped by a Blue Sky Daycare home daycare child

Once the animals were all organized, we chose which families we wanted to play with and settled in for some dramatic play. We worked on playing through some scenarios where the children could practice being inclusive to echo our lesson from yesterday.

Pretend play at Blue Sky Daycare home daycare

After that, we had lots of fun dancing to our seasonal songs as well as some old favorites during music time. The children always enjoy my version of Laurie Berkner's song "I'm a Little Snowflake," and are happy to have me play and sing it over and over while they spin like snowflakes!

We were going to do an art project that involved stamping with okra, but since we didn't have a full crew, I elected to have the children enjoy some process art and work on pencil grip instead. Coloring is a favorite activity and it's also a nice chance to talk about colors.

Blue Sky Daycare child doing process art
Blue SKy Daycare child doing process art

We had a ton of fun during movement time, and I think this was the children's favorite part of the day today. I brought down a bunch of pillows and we had a grand time making a pillow obstacle course. We had to jump on certain pillows, crawl over others, and bring small ones to drop in a basket. It was really neat way to get the wiggles out!

Active play at Blue Sky Daycare home daycare
Active play at Blue Sky Daycare home daycare
Active play at Blue Sky Daycare home daycare
Active play at Blue Sky Daycare home daycare

To end the day, we re-read Martin's Big Dream as well as The Missing Mitten Mystery and One Snowy Day. Storytime is always such a nice time to get some extra snuggles!

See you tomorrow!

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