Ah, May! This was the nicest day we've had in May so far- the birds were singing, everything outdoors was flush with new growth, flowers are blooming, so we just couldn't stay inside!
After our usual morning routine and some music time during which we sang several animal-noise themed songs, we slathered on sunscreen and set out for the park.
The children love to picnic at the park, and we brought our morning snack to enjoy. I am so proud of how nicely the children are able to sit and enjoy a meal together around a table, and often park visitors comment on how nicely behaved the Blue Sky Daycare children are.

Even the littles have lovely table manners!

Before long, some of the big kids had finished and were ready to slide, dig, climb, and imagine themselves into pretend worlds.

The first pretend game we played was acting out Three Billy Goats Gruff. You can see that the littlest billy goat made it across the bridge below.

Two of the children pretended they were flying an airplane. Apparently they were going "to Tennessee!"

Later, all three big kids had a great time buying ice cream and salad from the store that popped up under a play platform. We paid in sticks.

Our last activity before leaving the park was letting the big kids push the littles on the swings. The littles LOVE going on the swings, and the big kids get a wonderful sense of being able to contribute and care for the littles. It's a win-win!

It's amazing to see how much confidence the littles have gained in the time they have been in my care- I remember when they were quite hesitant to swing. Now, with more experience behind them, they love it...

... and their happy smiles warm my heart!

See you tomorrow!