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Melanie Patric

Veterinarians, Houses, and Music...

This morning we delved into our April themes a bit during our morning routine. We'll be talking about the life cycles of frogs, birds, and plants. I asked the children what they knew about seeds and eggs. We decided that seeds have baby plants inside them and eggs have baby animals inside them. That's good starting knowledge!

The Blue Sky Daycare kids had a great time pretending to be veterinarians after calendar, weather, and circle time today. I suggested the big kids find out if their canine patient had grown and they used a string to measure it, then they checked the dog all over for broken bones. They decided it was important to use gloves, so they improvised; in this case, socks worked perfectly! According to the "vets," the dog did have a broken leg but was going to be fine. A stream of other animal patients kept the vets quite busy with everything from fleas to giving a cat a pill. This was a great pretend play session and even the littles enjoyed bringing animals into the "clinic."

Blue Sky Daycare home daycare children play pretend veterinarian
Blue Sky Daycare home daycare child finishes guided art project

One of the big kids missed her chance to make a butterfly, so I caught her up. She got to use her favorite color, too.

We needed to get some of the wiggles out, so we decided to do some bunny hopping along to our April song "Here Comes Peter Cottontail." It was fun to lead the children around the room in a big, hopping line, and it's great gross motor practice to hop with our hands up above our heads.

It was chilly outside, we after music we set up a town of tents. Before I knew it, each child had her own house and they were inviting each other over to watch movies and play basketball.

Blue Sky Daycare home daycare children have fun playing in tents

Blue Sky Daycare home daycare children have fun playing in tents

Blue Sky Daycare home daycare children have fun playing in tents

It was so much fun watchting the children interact as they ventured in and out of the tents, and I only had to give minor suggestions to guide their play. The children had a great tiny village of friendly neighbors!

In the afternoon we read The Easter Egg and talked about what colors we might like to make Easter eggs if we were to dye them. Blue and purple were our favorites.

See you tomorrow!

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