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Melanie Patric

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb...

The children and I are savoring the last few days of March and hoping that the month will prove truthful the "out like a lamb" adage. To celebrate, we made lion masks and lamb masks.

During our calendar and weather time we discussed the "in like a lion, out like a lamb" aspects of March weather. We thought that the beginning of the month was cold enough to "bite your nose" like a lion, but that today's weather looked soft, warm and gentle like a lamb.

Next, we worked on a guided art project to add to our ideas about lions and lambs and to work on our fine motor skills. We began with the lion masks. The children glued on bits of brown yarn around the outside of a paper plate, then they helped tape on a craft stick to hold the mask with and we practiced making lots of roaring noises!

While the lion masks dried, we glued soft white cotton balls onto different plates and made lamb faces on them, taped on our craft sticks, then practiced making lamb "baaaaa" noises. We talked about which animal we would like to be more.

Since we still had to wait for our projects to dry out, we decided to head outside and enjoy today's "lamb" weather. It was mild and sunny and perfect for playing in the sandbox.

When the big kids were done with the sandbox, they found some sticks and pretended to go fishing. They caught lots of fish including some sharks!

Later, they enjoyed trying out their teamwork skills as they moved a heavy bale of straw and took turns jumping off of it.

Meanwhile, the littles liked practicing their climbing skills as they moved over the garden walls.

In the afternoon, we had lots of fun looking at The Easter Egg by Jan Brett. This time I asked the children to look at the smaller illustrations on each side of the main picture. These smaller illustrations showed a variety of rabbits making Easter eggs in an assortment of materials. We talked about how all the bunnies were artists even though they used different media. Our favorites, of course, were the eggs made out of chocolate - fine candymaking is definitely art!

See you tomorrow!

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