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Melanie Patric

All About Movement and Another Chillly Walk...

Everyone seemed a little restless and out of sorts this morning, so after our morning routine, we did as many movement activities as we could to get the toddler jitters out. The best way to do this is to get outside, but since it was so cold, we could only make one very fast lap around the neighborhood and then duck back inside where the warmth is.

Once all our snowpants, boots, coats, hats, mittens, and scarves were put away, I set out some yoga mats for the children and we had lots of fun doing some yoga poses.

Blue Sky Daycare home daycare children doing yoga as a movement activity

I have to confess that it's tough to photograph children while in downward dog, so I did my level best but only got one good photo of the children in (appropriately!) child's pose.

After yoga, we played with balls. I rolled the balls and the children ran to get them. This activity never gets old for the toddler set and they children squealed with delight as they raced.

Last, we tried out some gymnastics moves, namely somersaults and headstands. The big kids are very good at doing somersaults, but the littles need help.

A Blue Sky Daycare home daycare child attempting headstands during movement activities

A Blue Sky Daycare home daycare child attempting headstands during movement activities

The big kids were challenged by the headstands but had great fun trying. One even wanted to try doing a headstand independently!

By the time we finished all the movement activites, the children were ready to settle down and we decided to read some stories. We read The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss, a classic and a favorite. It perfectly demonstrates how hard work and a good attitude can make good things happen. We followed this story up with Jan Brett's gorgeous Easter story The Easter Egg. We talked about how the main character, Hoppi, is kind and brave.

See you next week!

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