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Rainbows, Rainbows Everywhere...

Melanie Patric

Rainbow flowers "made" by Blue Sky Daycare children

What a perfect day it was to talk about rainbows! The children enjoyed some last moments with the rainbow of flowers we created on Tuesday and gave them away to their parents. It was neat to see the colored edges on each flower and for the children to understand that it's because the flower "drinks."

After discussing the results of our flower activity, we moved on to our regular morning routine, then we sang our own version of Laurie Berkner's Boots! song. It went like this:

Boots, boots, B-O-O-T-S!

Boots, boots, B-O-O-T-S!

In our rain boots,

In our rain boots,

We SPLASH around in our rain boots!

In our boots (splash, splash!)

In our boots (splishy-splash!)

We splash around in our rainboots!

The children love acting out the stomping and splashing movements. We talked about what our rainboots looked like. We also counted the days until St. Patrick's Day and talked about leprechauns. Reading That's What Leprechauns Do has really helped the children get in the mood to celebrate, and they were able to tell me that leprechauns were "small," that they "wear green" and "like to play tricks," and that they "put a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow." They kids have great memories!

A little later the children worked on their fine motor skills and color sorting abilities as they placed colored pasta in the appropriate spots on a picture of a rainbow.

Blue Sky Daycare home daycare child doing a process art activity

Blue Sky Daycare home daycare child doing a process art activity

The pasta was tricky for them to work with- it kept rolling on the paper and they had to place each piece just so to keep pieces in the right areas.

Blue Sky Daycare home daycare child's process art

Once everyone had a turn at the pasta, we headed outside to play in the back yard. It was still wet, but the puddles were quickly getting smaller and the snowbanks shrinking. Navigating the slopes of the back yard is getting easier for the littles since the snow is gone, and the puddles prove fascinating for everyone.

Blue Sky Daycare home daycare children enjoying time outdoors

Gentle steps in the puddles quickly turn into...


... trotting and tromping...

Blue Sky Daycare home daycare children enjoying time outdoors

... walking and wading...

Blue Sky Daycare home daycare children enjoying time outdoors

...and stomping and splashing!

Blue Sky Daycare home daycare children enjoying time outdoors

It's even more fun when you splash together as a group!

Blue Sky Daycare home daycare children enjoying time outdoors

When the puddle jumping session was over, the big kids enjoyed picking up the pretend play where i t left off. They made an imaginary bonfire in a flower pot and added small sticks, then pretended to cook marshmallows with sticks among other flights of fancy.

Blue Sky Daycare home daycare children enjoying time outdoors

After lunch and naps, the children read the spring touch-and-feel book with me again, then we headed outside for more outdoor play. We enjoyed using scooters and bikes and playing catch.

See you tomorrow!

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