This morning was all about cooking for us. We worked on our measuring skills with the cuppers and some teaspoons. After that, we washed our hands. First, we mashed the bananas.

Melanie compiled all the ingredients for ease of dumping, and then we all worked together dumping and mixing the ingredients for some yummy banana bread.

Even the littlest BSD people wanted to get in on the action...

Our whole home smelled sooooo good while the bread baked, and the reward was sweet and tasty indeed! During the process we gently touched on how the ingredients changed from start to finish and we agreed that heat from the oven really changed them the most because it made the bread safe to eat!
Later, the older children and I used some traceable sheets to practice writing our ABC's.

It was a fun day as usual and all too soon it was time to go home. We'll try to stay warm until tomorrow!