Happy April Fool's Day! We changed over our calendar from March to April with great fanfare- we are so excited to put the winter months behind us! During calendar time we talked about funny April Fool's jokes we could play. We also looked at the pictures on the Easter and Earth Day tags on our calendar. We are excitedly awaiting the Easter Bunny's visit, and we want to help make the Earth healthier and cleaner on Earth Day.
This morning we worked on a guided art project. We made a rainbow of spring butterflies out of origami paper and pipe cleaners. I let the children take some time to explore the texture of the thin, delicate paper and the fuzzy pipe cleaners as I folded the papers for them and we named all the different colors of paper we had to pick from.
Next, we worked together to pinch the papers between the pipe cleaners.
Last, the children unfolded the wings to reveal the bright colors of their butterflies.
They are very pretty and we're going to hang them up and watch them dance in the spring breezes when we open the windows.
Next we headed outside for some fresh air. It was such a beautiful day we wanted to stay outside forever! We noticed some crocuses popping their heads up through the mulch in the front yard and we saw hawks and smaller birds flying in the sky as we traveled around the neighborhood.
We noted several airplane contrails, too. We noticed the feeling of the warm sun on our faces, legs, and backs. It was lovely to be able to walk around without all those cumbersome winter layers! There were lots of people working on patio projects throughout the neighborhood and we often paused to watch the people work. It was fascinating to see front loaders carrying heavy loads of bricks and stones from the road to other people's back yards. The littles were particularly interested in watching the workers get in and out of their trucks and vehicles and we talked quite a bit about "in" and "out."
In the afternoon we relaxed together and read The Carrot Seed, and Spring, I Am a Bunny, and then we played two rounds of slapjack. We followed slapjack with ordering cards from ace to ten. It was challenging, but with a little help from me, the big kids were all able to do it. What a lovely day!
See you tomorrow!